iroha GitHub

PR #4191 [refactor] #4152: Remove `bridge` and `dex` features
iroha2 ## Description Remove obsolete features not used anywhere in the project. ### Linked issue Closes #4152
Created At 2024-01-11 07:35:35 +0000 UTC
PR #4188 [refactor]: update wasm_codec_derive to use syn2
iroha2 ## Description Introduction of manyhow & upgrade syn to syn2 ### Linked issue Closes #3943 ### Checklist - [x] I've read `` - [x] I've used the standard signed-off commit format (or will squash just before merging) - [ ] All applicable CI checks pass (or I promised to make them pass later) - [ ] (optional) I've written unit tests for the code changes - [ ] I replied to all comments after code review, marking all implemented changes with thumbs up
Created At 2024-01-10 02:03:49 +0000 UTC
PR #4187 [ci] #4151: Enhance the test environment by automatically generating WASM files for the smartcontracts to be tested
iroha2 ## Description I added initalization step in the setup to created smartcontracts directory in the out_dir, build the WASM files and move them into the smartcontracts directory. ### Linked issue Closes #4151 ### Benefits No need to manually generate the WASM files. ### Checklist - [X] I've read `` - [X] I've used the standard signed-off commit format (or will squash just before merging) - [X] All applicable CI checks pass (or I promised to make them pass later) - [ ] I replied to all comments after code review, marking all implemented changes with thumbs up
Created At 2024-01-09 13:07:21 +0000 UTC
PR #4185 [feature] #4126: Add chain_id to prevent replay attacks
iroha2 ## Description ### Linked issue Closes #4126 ### Benefits ### Checklist - [ ] I've read `` - [ ] I've used the standard signed-off commit format (or will squash just before merging) - [ ] All applicable CI checks pass (or I promised to make them pass later) - [ ] (optional) I've written unit tests for the code changes - [ ] I replied to all comments after code review, marking all implemented changes with thumbs up
Created At 2024-01-09 07:29:11 +0000 UTC