blockchain-automation-framework GitHub

BAF Release 0.10.0
v0.10.0.0 ## What's new in BAF - BAF code upgraded to use Hashi Corp vault secret engine version 2 - BAF code upgraded and tested for EKS version 1.19 - BAF code now validates the network.yaml before deployment ## New Features - HL Besu: - Added deployment option with Ethash and Clique consensus - Enabled proxy none option ## Deprecation - No active support for older versions of platforms. Check [compatibility matrix]( ## Major Bug Fixes - Shell command - cat not working for huge files during vault write operation #1642 - List of all bug fixes can be found [here]( ## Known Issues - Quorum network deployment broken #1703 ## Improvements - Molecule Test - More testing scenarios covered for Corda OS and Quorum - HL Besu - Improve validation function for vault responses in helm charts - Tessera crypto management via k8s job - Separate pods for Besu and Tessera deployment - Quorum - Improve validation function for vault responses in helm charts - Tessera crypto management via k8s job - Separate pods for quorum and Tessera deployment - IBFT crypto management via k8s job - HL Fabric - Vault Kubernetes setup in k8s job - CA server certificate creation in k8s job - Shared - Added baf-build image build in GitHub Actions - Added corda image build in GitHub Actions - Added Quorum express-app image build in GitHub Action - Added Quorum smartcontract static tests in GitHub Action - Added chaincode/smartcontract static test in GitHub Action - Updated Ambassador version to 1.13.9 - Documentation - Update platform r3 corda OS and enterprise configuration files - Update quorum certificate paths documentation - Update the documentation to include the operational features for HL Besu
View on GitHub Created At 2021-10-11 10:00:49 +0000 UTC