blockchain-explorer GitHub

Support for Hyperledger Fabric 2.5 with new features and enhancements
v2.0.0 ## New Features * Health status of peers - BE-340 Display health status of peers and orderers - FrontEnd (#342) - BE-331 Display health status of peers and orderers- Backend (#337) * Search by block number, txn id, blockrange - Add Frontend blocks view pagination and block range search (#371) - Added search functonality to dashboard so user can search with Txn hash/Block no from there itself (#357) - BE 334 fetch data by block number, block range and transaction id - Backend (#338) * Display chaincode metadata - chaincode metadata changes added (#383) - Frontend- Display chaincode metadata in chaincodes tab (#368) * Move container images from dockerhub to ghcr - move to ghcr registry (#382) * Migrate CI to github actions - added github ci (#339) ## Bug Fixes and Updates * updated docker-compose files with ghcr images (#438) * updated node version in ci files (#437) * BE-433 | Fix package related breaking issues (#434) * BE431 | Fix-Test-case Failing (#432) * Release v2.0.0 (#430) * BE-422 | UI Responsiveness and Misc (#427) * update swagger.json (#424) * BE-420 | Ledger Height and Peers Status is not updating w.r.t multiple channels (#421) * Integrate SonarCloud (#419) * BE-417 | resolve sigint bad trap and unexpected error (#418) * BE-415 | remove duplicate peerStatus api call (#416) * BE-406 | send channelhash to metadata api (#412) * Backend- Improper updation of Txn Count and Chaincodes list (#411) * Display correct chaincode metadata fix in the backend (#410) * Blocks pagination query fix in the backend (#407) * BE-399 | Show transaction details for the first Config type transaction (#403) * fix incorrect default password on (#402) * bugFixes for the release (#398) * updates for dashboard UI responsiveness for cards and pie chart (#391) * Updated (#380) * Backend - Pagination implementation for Blocks Tab (#378) * Chaincode count on Dashboard is incorrect (#377) * Add validations to search functionality blockId and blockRange (#376) * Empty org is being displayed while fetching the list of orgs (#374) * Update Dockerfile (#370) * Update (#366) * maintainers contact (#363) * BE-346-Added Pagination for Transaction view - Backend (#351) * added pagination for transactions view frontend (#350) * fix failing unit test cases (#349) * BE-340 Display health status of peers and orderers - FrontEnd (#342) * update CODEOWNERS (#330) * added github issue form (#325) * Disable Sonar cloud on PRs ## Known Vulnerabilities package-lock.json ``` ejs <3.1.7 Severity: critical ejs template injection vulnerability - fix available via `npm audit fix --force` ``` client/package-lock.json ``` ejs <3.1.7 Severity: critical ejs template injection vulnerability - fix available via `npm audit fix --force` flat <5.0.1 Severity: critical flat vulnerable to Prototype Pollution - fix available via `npm audit fix --force` immer <=9.0.5 Severity: critical Prototype Pollution in immer - Prototype Pollution in immer - fix available via `npm audit fix` loader-utils 2.0.0 - 2.0.3 Severity: critical loader-utils is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via url variable - loader-utils is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) - Prototype pollution in webpack loader-utils - fix available via `npm audit fix` shell-quote <=1.7.2 Severity: critical Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command in Shell-quote - fix available via `npm audit fix` ```
View on GitHub Created At 2023-09-05 14:36:25 +0000 UTC